More Than Just Mom

It’s not that I don’t like shooting families and kids.  But for me, it doesn’t derive the same kind of gratification as reminding a woman, say a mom, that she is fascinating, powerful and beautiful unlike anyone else.  I believe there is great importance in bringing the attention of women, who play a multitude of roles, to their own needs, worth and inner beauty.

C.L. is a wife, a mom of a joyous energetic pre-schooler, a business owner, and so active in our PTA that my head spins just thinking about all of her thankless projects.  But the day she spent with me and my hair and make up artist getting pampered and photographed was all about her.  It didn’t take too long for her inner goddess to surface, creating beautiful portraits revealing the complex and sublime woman that she is.

In the weeks following, several of the moms from our preschool approached me expressing their pleasant shock that this was “the same woman who picks up —– from school everyday…”  And that is because she is so much more than that.

2 Responses to “More Than Just Mom”

  1. Lara

    Beautifully said and beautiful work as always, Carrie. Welcome to the blogosphere! :-) xoxo

  2. Leyna

    And like your clients, you embody all of the above :). Well said my friend xo

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